Londa is located in the Sendan Uai village, Sanggalangi district, within 7 kilometers south of the Makale city, Tana Toraja district capital with a height of 826 meters above sea level.
Londa is one of the attractions that must be visited by tourists. Inside the cave there are hundreds of thousands of skulls and bones were partially of hundreds years old. There is also the coffins are still new. Nevertheless, the air in the cave was cool and odorless.
Londa cave is a graveyard on the side of the cliffs, one side of the cemetery was in the height of the hill has a deep cave where the coffins corpse (erong) arranged and grouped by family line. On the other hand, of the tens of statues (tau-tau) lined up in front of the grave.
Londa has two caves that can be entered by the visitors. According to the local guide that is actually two caves interconnected, but visitors should be half a creep. The lenght of the cave is 1,000 meters.
Above the entrance to the cave at Londa, there are statues of the body was placed in the cave. The statues were called tau-tau in toraja language. Tau-tau is miniature sculpture of body in the cave. Only those who have a high social level made miniature sculptures. tau-tau that tens or even hundreds years old is prone to the theft considering the high price because the value of art and culture.
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